What do the opposite sex's nonverbal signals say about you?

22 August 2017 - 10:38
By The Daily Telegraph, Mateo Sol and communicaid
Body language signals  may tell you more than words.
Image: iStock Body language signals may tell you more than words.

It's not easy being a man and here's why. A woman is capable of giving off about 50 different signals through body language, whereas the less complex gentleman is only able to muster about 10. This makes men easier to understand, putting them at an immediate disadvantage.

It gets worse. Females are better at picking up and understanding signals.

So, what body language signals should men look out for if they want to know whether a girl likes them or not?


She likes you if ...

• She pulls up her sleeves (the wrist is the softest part of her body).

• She pushes her wine glass - or yours - towards you (keen to close the distance between the two of you).

• She plays with her necklace or flicks her hair.

•  She tilts her hips resting her whole weight on one leg to make that hip protrude.

• She touches her face, tilts her head and gives a sideways glance.

• She puts her elbows on the table, one hand over the other and rests her face on them, displaying her face on a pedestal to gain your attention and let you admire her.

He likes you if ...

• He looks at each of your eyes, then mouth, then back to your eyes again (known as the flirting triangle).

• He tilts his head sideways to appear friendly and non-dominant.

• He breathes in and pushes his shoulders back (imagine a strutting peacock).

• He checks you out from top to bottom.

• He stands hands on hips and thumbs in belt loops. - The Daily Telegraph


Because body language is learned partly through the environment, what applies to some cultures won't apply to others; the biggest cultural differences exist mainly in relation to personal space, eye contact, touch frequency and insult gestures.

Because body language is learned partly through the environment, what applies to some cultures won't apply to others

Italians and Spaniards, for example, kiss each other on the cheek instead of shaking hands.

In Bulgaria, the head nodding for ''yes" actually means ''no".

The Japanese smile politely and nod a lot in conversations while speaking . it doesn't mean they agree with you.

Men holding hands in Saudi Arabia is a sign of mutual respect.

Thumbs up is commonly used as okay or good, but in Greece it means ''up yours".

 If you caught a woman naked, depending where she was from, a Middle Eastern woman would cover her face, an American/Australian/British woman would cover her boobs with one hand and her genitals with the other, a Swede would cover her genitals only, a Sumatran her knees and a Samoan her belly button. - Mateo Sol, lonerwolf.com


According to Gork catching someone in a lie is not an exact science but here are some basic guidelines to follow. Remember you need to spot at least two gestures or signals in five seconds of the words being spoken to come close to figuring out accurately if the person is lying and is psychologically uncomfortable with what it is that they're saying:

Covering the mouth: Often if you see children lie they will cover their mouth. It's usually because we're feeling psychologically uncomfortable about what we're saying. When people cover their own mouth while they're speaking it could indicate that they're trying to subconsciously block their own words.

Rubbing of the nose: When you lie, especially in a high-pressure environment, your blood pressure goes up and you go into what we call fight or flight mode. There's a chemical that gets released in your body that causes the soft tissue in your nose to inflame or tingle and this usually leads people to fiddle with their noses.

Touching the neck: Again in high-pressure situations people often begin to feel hot and flustered. So they touch their necks and may even pull at their collars.


How you stand says a lot about what you're thinking.

Arms akimbo: Putting your hands on your hips with elbows out says that you're displaying dominance, authority or self- confidence.

A woman is capable of giving off about 50 different signals through body language, whereas the less complex gentleman is only able to muster about 10

Feet facing:  Facing someone with your feet usually means you're interested in what they're saying.

Mirroring: Imitating someone's body language says you're interested in and comfortable with them.

Busy legs: Moving legs a lot usually means that you're nervous.

Lowering the head: Reveals that you're ashamed of something, shy or hiding something.

Arms crossed: Usually means you feel uncomfortable, threatened or defensive.

Hands in pocket:  Sometimes means you're impatient to leave.

Shoulder forward, rubbing hands: Shows that you feel intimidated and you're trying to ingratiate yourself.

Legs crossed:  Standing with crossed legs can mean that you're not open to communication. - communicaid.com

• This article was originally published in The Times.