OMG! Here's your chance to meet Omarion

29 September 2016 - 14:40
By TMG Entertainment

If it is one of your biggest dreams to meet US RnB star Omarion in the flesh, here's your chance.

The Post To Be hitmaker is in town as part of Anatii's Artiifact album launch tour and will be giving Joburg fans a chance to hang out with him.

The star will take over Sandton City's Cross Trainer store from 5:30pm on Thursday afternoon to hold a meet and greet with fans.


This means you'll finally get a chance to take a selfie with him and tell all your friends how you guys are totes besties. Score!

Plus we've heard that Omarion is looking to scout out the "lovely women of South Africa", according to The Times.

Don't ever say that we don't hook you up, fam!