‘I’m humbled’ — Nomcebo Zikode on Top Entertainer Award by Forbes Women Africa

‘I strongly believe doors are opening’

15 March 2023 - 08:00
By Constance Gaanakgomo
Nomcebo Zikode received the Forbes Top Entertainer Award
Image: Instagram/Nomcebo Zikode Nomcebo Zikode received the Forbes Top Entertainer Award

Not so long ago Nomcebo Zikode returned to South Africa as a Grammy Award-winning artist, and soon followed the Forbes Top Entertainer award.

The 2023 Forbes Woman Africa Awards were held at the SunBet Arena on March 11 2023.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, she said winning the award meant a lot to her.

"I'm humbled. It's really an honour. I'm so happy. It shows that whatever I've been doing, putting in all my sweat and work, people do see it. For Forbes to recognise my work feels amazing. Forbes is a big brand we respect so to recognise me makes me feel wonderful."

Nomcebo said she was embracing this chapter in her life where she is recognised internationally more than at home and she is not complaining. 

"I always believe that God's timing is never wrong,. As much as I've been recognised more outside the country or overseas I don't want to complain. Instead I want to thank God that He has made me not only for South Africans but an international artist. I'm thankful to everyone who has been supporting me in South Africa and to everyone who has recognised my talen,t including Forbes. Maybe this is how God wanted things to unfold with me so I'm happy."

Nomcebo, Zakes Bantwini and Wouter Kellerman won Best Global Music Performance for their collaboration Bayethe at the 65th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.

"Winning these awards  means so much for me. Every artist would love to get that recognition. Whenever I go into studio to record music I'm not going with that mentality of winning awards. I'm going to studio to do what I love with the hope of changing people's lives and wanting to interact and touch people's lives"

She said she hopes the international award inspires people who look up to her to know it is possible.

"I  believe I've put South Africa on the map as another South African artist to win a Grammy after Miriam Makeba who won this award way back in 1966. I strongly believe that doors are opening. I've got the feeling we are going to see more South Africans winning Grammys.  I feel like someone might be inspired by what has happened to me, that it is possible. It doesn't matter where you are coming from."

She said she had  new music in store for her listeners 

"I'm working on music. I will announce on my social media platforms when I'm going to release this new music. I see people on the socials have been longing for my music, they've been hungry so I can't disappoint them.  We are coming back with a banger, people are going to be happy.