I have a few issues with Phumla Matjilas column this week. All was fine until they came to the solution of stopping promiscuity.

" Zille also said that our country's strategy for dealing with HIV is too focused on "condom distribution and free treatment because these interventions shift the responsibility away from the individual."

This is true, we trying to solve Aids after people have sex! We need to change they way people think about sex. Bring back sound morals and self love.

"She said real change will happen only when South Africans change their sexual practises and accept responsibility for stopping the spread of Aids.

How do we encourage South Africans to be more sexually faithful?

We must require everyone to take a regular HIV test and accept responsibility for preventing risk to others."

Redundancy! After that the article didn't tackle the real issue. Even with the stigma that Aids has it's still not enough to reduce the high Aids rate!

Sex is what we watch, what we listen to and what we read daily! We can't feed people information that sex with more then one partner is acceptable then be shocked at the number of people being promiscuous. We know the solution but then we all know that sex is a multi billion dollar industry.

It's either we chose the well being of the generations to come or Money!

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