Michael Jackson cartoon by Mangena
Image: Bethuel Mangena
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I'm the Debbie character that was spoken about in your article "I Still Speak to Michael". I was originally only offering my rebuttal on a previous article regarding Michael's death, and didn't expect to be written about. I saw the questions from Charlotte and wanted to offer some answers

I know it's so hard for people to believe things, especially when it comes to people so famous, like Michael Jackson. 

Some times I think some press is best left alone, but I think  there are others when we can use outlets like these to do good.

The concept of twin flame soul mates is not new.  In it's most basic concept it's like a human cell that splits.  For twin souls it's like one soul that is split into two. 

One female half and one male half.  I think the best representation is the yin yang symbol; one part being dark and the other light.  There is also a circle of light in the dark and a circle of dark in the light. 

This symbolises that the two parts (masculine and feminine) make a whole, while still retaining the seed of the other.  So while twin flame soul mates may be in separate physical bodies they still retain a seed of the other within their soul.  That's what makes it easy to communicate telepathically.

Many people don't understand the journey of learning on the path to your twin soul.  Some might take it as face value and think we should automatically know everything about that other half of us.  The path, however, requires you to work through layers of yourself before you can become whole again.

This means any doubts or thoughts you may have in an ego sense have to be put aside.  When your reader asked about why I wouldn't know if he was innocent or not, it was because I was still on the path. 

We spoke every night.  But, if you remember, the news about Michael during the molestation case was immense.  I at that time didn't know if he was a twin flame relationship, or something from the movies where I was psychically connected to someone who actually molested children - in other words someone bad. 

I never wanted to believe that Michael was actually guilty, but watching the news that's all they were reporting.  I began to question myself.  When I did, I asked Michael straight out if he did do it.  His reaction and the feeling I had gave me my answer right away. 

There was then no doubt in my mind that he didn't do a thing and I had to apologize to him profusely.  The ego, your personality, is like a covering to your inner being.  That's the part that everyone has to see through before you can discover your true being and your true other half.

In the song Scream, you'll notice in the lyrics Janet sings "Oh my God I can't believe what I saw on the TV this evening.  I was disgusted by all the injustice." Those were my words verbatim during that time. 

The media put such a spin on things that if I was a normal person not knowing him, I would have believed beyond a doubt that he was guilty.  That was my reason for my original email.  I know how they make things look, but it simply wasn't true.

So I hope that answers the questions for your reader.  I hope that with an open mind people can see the beauty of this.  We all have a twin flame soul mate, even Michael Jackson.  I'm the one "character" in his life that he didn't have to share with the public and I'm not after the money. 

I wrote our story many years ago, could have gone and sold out many times.  It's been a few years after his death and I'd never do anything he wouldn't want.  His message was to heal the world, that we are all part of one another, that's the message I'd like to convey. 

Because we are twin souls I want to tell my side of the story so the public knows he wasn't the man he was portrayed by the media to be.  He was very spiritual, very enlightened and very caring about the welfare of humanity.  People like him don't come to the planet that often and when they do, unfortunately, they are given brutal treatment. 

I hope that through our story people realize that we are all connected to one another and we must treat each other better and not be so harsh on our judgements of one another. 

To answer the book question, I am taking time in considering the right publisher for the book.  I want it to be taken seriously and would like people to not only be inspired by our story, but to learn from it as well.

Thank you again for allowing me to speak and posting my rebuttal that Michael didn't molest children.  It's important to me that the truth be told on his behalf.

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