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I tried my best to keep an open mind and to consider the arguments that Mr. Matiwane was making but in all honesty, that article is shallow.

If anything, all it shows is that there is a gap in Mr. Matiwane's education and that he's probably a self-loathing black person, ashamed of who he is and the behaviour of other black people.

But my question to him would be has he ever wondered why that is? Why black people are failing to adapt to a said system of "normal" behaviour that was set by white people?

Put simply, the key to black people's success is in going back to what black people know.

I'm not saying we should go back to primitive hunter-gatherer ways that's already a closed chapter but we should just apply the principles that were used back then to govern ourselves today.

He makes it seem like white people have never had their own struggles.

It took them a while to get their economies to the stable places there are now and the fact that people who fought in the liberation struggles for most of our countries are still among the current population should just show that it hasn't really been a long time since the reigns were handed over to black people to take care of their own countries.

What's the rush anyway? Who are we comparing ourselves to? Shouldn't the main focus be on trying to adapt to the system or developing our own and then we can start moving forward?

A lot of people's lives were lost so that our people could enjoy the wealth of their countries, wouldn't our heroes be disappointed by people like Mr. Matiwane who prefer to be a dog on a white man's leash?


It's similar to being on a leash and accepting the scraps of food that your master gives while he spends the wealth that you are entitled to.

But alas the fact that freedom of speech is a right is pretty much the reason he can not be crucified for the crime that he has committed.

Viva Africa! Down with these people that disregard the success of other black people, the progress of our economies and only choose to look at the bad things.

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