Aquarius, your life life needs attention.
Image: tayla de beer
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20 APRIL — 20 MAY

Love is after you, specially during Wednesday’s Taurus new moon. State your terms. Both planets and lovers are in a wonderfully obedient mood. Money’s not too shabby either as potential career moves ease you into a different bracket. None of that mad spending allowed though. No gambling either. Just because you’re being taken care of doesn’t mean it’s OK to lose your marbles. Remember, it’s one thing to make money and entirely another to keep it. Behave.


May 21 — June 20

It’s a miracle. For once you’re both sensitive and patient enough to hear what the lovers are saying. Friends too. What’s more, you’re even ready to do something about it. While your personal relationships are being repaired, your career is taking off on a mission of its own. Nothing to worry about there. If anything needs to change it will happen during Wednesday’s new moon. The rest is finding its own way. Help out where you can.


June 21 — July 22

Doing good works, are you? Excellent. For once taking care of someone else is bringing you the kind of fulfillment you haven’t experienced for a while. Not that you’re being left out of the goodies package. Wednesday’s new moon helps release the old and used up,  making space for the new and exciting. Your fear of change is the only thing stopping the flow. Find your courage. The planets are on your side this time.


July 23 — August 22

Flashes of genius are with you so pay attention. Write down every mad idea that pops into your head. Meanwhile, eyes peeled for courses or skills you’d like to master. You’re learning and growing now and there's not much time for evening splurges. Not that love is being left out of the equation, but you’re more likely to meet someone interesting at a conference than a smoky bar. Watch those mad impulses though. You’re in a love-at-first-sight mood. Take your time.


August 23 — September 22

Love, romance and even commitment are top of your list. If you’re getting married soon, congratulate yourself on being beautifully in tune with your own energies. The rest of you,  decide what you want from love and demand it. That Virgo victim is a creature of the past. You’re at your most powerful now. Meanwhile, if career and finances are being rearranged, watch to see where they go. Then rearrange your plans. Expect miracles.


September 23 — October 22

Your life is changing, and you’re changing with it. Nothing wrong with that, except you may have to get off your butt and stretch your intellect for a change. Meantime, grab any opportunity to enjoy yourself before the call to action becomes too loud to ignore. Other news? Your career is rocketing and money is on the way. Get ready for take-off. Pick your team. It’s no fun being successful on your own.


October 23 — November 21

You’re out and about and having a ball. If you’re not, call someone and arrange dinner. Love is no longer on hold, and you’d be crazy to miss the opportunities, even if it’s just a little romance you’re after. If money’s causing problems, take some action – any action – to shift the energy flow. The idea is to teach you some discipline, not halt your earnings. Wednesday’s fabulous new moon sends chances to rediscover intimacy. Don’t miss the moments.


November 22 — 21 December

If it’s the job that’s making you unhappy there’s no law against making some changes. Even so, you have a few options. An attitude switch, for example, might be sufficient to change your experience. Or a long chat with colleagues. Or, of course, a new job. If you opt for the latter, take heart in the knowledge that the offers are plentiful. Wednesday’s powerful new moon will help you find what you’re looking for.


December 22 — January 19

The career stands still while you sort out the rest of your life. Since you’re not very good at either multi-tasking or delegating, your life tends to come at you one issue at a time. This week’s focus is on mastering new skills, travel and spiritual growth. Love brings its own issues, but slowly and not quite yet. Work is fine. And your gentle body could use some attention. There. That’s not too much to handle, is it?


January 20 — February 18

It’s a complicated week, with energies pulling you in 100 different directions. Don’t complain. Boredom is no longer an option as you redefine your route, and take charge of the interesting bits. Delegation, meanwhile, is a compulsory part of your day. Not even you can manage everything at once. Besides, your love life needs attention,  unless of course, you’d like to spend the week ducking frying pans.


February 19 — March 20

The laws of karma and destiny bring success and abundance through others. Help wherever you can — you’ll be rewarded. Meanwhile, patience is your virtue of the week. Just because instant gratification sounds good, doesn’t mean it always brings the answers you’re looking for. Power and magical abilities are growing in you as you discover gifts you didn’t know you had. Experiment with unusual ideas. Trust yourself. You’ll be amazed.


March 21 — April 19

Going on a trip? Even a short one? Excellent. You’ve been working much too hard, and you need to lighten your load. Best idea would be to ask for help. If that’s too difficult (pride is another word for ego, you know), at least spread the tougher stuff over a longer time span. This is what’s cosmically known as a pleasure peak. Go get yourself some pleasure. You don’t have to be the hero all the time. Sometimes you get to let yourself be helped.

Your Chart

Jerome Peters ( April 18 1984, Beaufort West, 3am)

Sun sign: Aries Moon sign: Scorpio Rising Sign: Pisces

Money is your motivator, and, provided there’s sufficient intrigue, you’ll work as many hours as it takes to acquire it. The Scorpio moon wants adventure, preferably the five-star variety. Your Aries sun is a leader, highly motivated by competition and challenge. Your Pisces personality, on the other hand, is introverted and terrified of failure. This year your energies are finally beginning to work together, resulting in creativity, leadership, focus and success. Don’t worry if you haven’t seen any of these marvels yet. You’re still moving away from last year’s influence, one in which control was ripped from your grasp, and words like “surrender” and “trust” became your only allies. However, you’ve learned a few lessons by now and are ready for your rewards. Try for some compassion. Not everyone has your strength. Help those you can.

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