The Chery Tiggo 4 Pro is the brand's most popular model in South Africa.
Image: Supplied
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Chinese carmaker Chery has achieved remarkable sales figures in April, selling a total of 126,713 vehicles worldwide.

This impressive number includes both domestic and international sales, marking a significant 128% increase compared to the same month last year. With these latest results, Chery's global sales for the first quarter of 2023 have reached a total of 457,048 vehicles.

Upon closer examination of the April sales data, it becomes evident that the Tiggo Pro range has played a pivotal role in driving Chery's global success. Specifically, the Tiggo 7 Pro witnessed a strong performance, selling 18,715 units, while the Tiggo 8 Pro garnered the attention of 15,307 customers.

Notably, Chery's Tiggo Pro range has also gained substantial popularity in South Africa. The market in South Africa has seen robust demand for the Tiggo 4 Pro, Tiggo 7 Pro, and Tiggo 8 Pro (including Tiggo8Pro Max). These models collectively achieved a new sales record, reaching 5,389 units sold to date.

“Chery is now firmly established as a top 10 passenger vehicle brand in South Africa, a mere 18 months after selling its first car in the country," says Tony Liu, executive deputy general manager of Chery Group South Africa.

“While all the Tiggo Pro models are selling ahead of our sales targets, it is the Tiggo 4 Pro that has become the most popular model. Its affordable entry price and complete list of creature comforts has made it one of the top 10 selling passenger vehicles in South Africa.”

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