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Watch out: WWE hall-of-famer, The Scorpion King star and Muscle and Fitness magazine's Man of the Century, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, is now officially in the race for the 2020 US presidential campaign.

According to records, official paperwork has been filed with the Federal Election Commission on the wrestler-cum-actor's behalf.

We all want The Rock to be our best mate - just think of the insane, friendly tweets we could get out of him. And he can more than match the qualifications of the other reality TV star currently holding the role of leader of the free world.

But what else could we expect if The Rock were to lead the US? Here are a few predictions:

Putin vs The Rock

If there's one man with the strength, skills and expertise to take Putin out, it's Johnson.

With his flashy smile and smooth talking (watch the TV show Ballers to see him get debonair down pat), The Rock will get Russia to reveal its state secrets, leading to everlasting world peace. What a hero.


We've had Obamacare. Now we've got Trumpcare. It's only right to end the trilogy with the best of the lot - Rockcare.

Everyone will be required to work out for at least three hours a day while maintaining a strict diet of chicken, eggs and more chicken, washed down with a 2l protein shake. Anyone caught slacking will be sentenced to a two-week, high-intensity body camp. You have been warned.

The Rock reunites his old wrestling tag-team for G20

The Rock knows all about the tag-team concept, having won the World Wrestling Federation tag-team championship five times.

Bring back The Rock 'n' Sock Connection with old partner Mick Foley (aka Mankind), and the pair are bound to make a royal rumble at 2020's G20.

Rock-hard abs mean rock-hard policies

Speaking to GQ magazine this year, Johnson said he was registered as an independent political candidate, which means he won't have to cede to the whims of any party - and will have full control of the guest list.

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First up would, of course, be his old Baywatch buddy, Zac Efron.

The Rock makes America great again

In 2006, he created the Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation to help troubled youths and terminally ill children, and Instagram is packed with stories of his acts of charity.

Dare we dream of having a millionaire as US president who helps the disadvantaged? A man who can carry a whole nation (quite literally) on his shoulders?

Rock vs Rock

The Rock's toughest opposition could come from Kid Rock, the musician and folk hero of the rural US who likes Donald Trump and has also declared political ambitions. The Kid is already selling "Make America Badass Again" hats in the style popularised by his hero.

Now, that would be what's called a smackdown.

- ©The Daily Telegraph

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