Nando’s has decided to pull its advert grilling Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe, due to political reaction and perceived threats against Nando’s Zimbabwe’s management.

Nando’s South Africa says it has been closely monitoring the reaction to its ‘Last Dictator Standing’ television commercial, currently running in South Africa.

“We’ve noted with concern the political reaction emanating out of Zimbabwe, including perceived threats against Nando’s Zimbabwe’s management, staff and customers,” Nando’s said in a statement.

The company says it “takes these threats very seriously and will regrettably no longer flight the TV commercial as part of our festive season campaign. 

‘We feel strongly that this is the prudent step to take in a volatile climate and believe that no TV commercial is worth risking the safety of Nando’s staff and customers.”

The commercial, which went viral on YouTube, shows Mugabe dining alone at Christmas, his empty table set for departed dictators, including Muammar Gaddafi.

Nando’s South Africa says it remains committed to an advertising philosophy built around social commentary that starts conversations between people.

The head of Nando's Zimbabwe franchise said it was not informed of the South African television and press campaign.

It is an offence under Zimbabwean law to insult Mugabe or undermine the authority of his office.

Watch the video here:

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