Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. The story takes place in Night City, an open world set in the Cyberpunk universe.
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Cyberpunk 2077 is a lot of things, some negative and some positive, but the primary take on CD Projek Red’s “hey maybe we should have spent more time on this” dystopian future is that every character in the game is incredibly horny. Sex doesn’t just sell in the future, it grabs your eyeballs and pries them open with a dildo crowbar as your brain is bombarded by all manner of lewdvertising, suggestive fashion, and straight-up gland-togland combat being offered in the streets.

There’s no shortage of who you can oscillate the unmentionables with in Cyberpunk 2077, but there are those players who have their mind set on the ultimate conquest: Keanu Reeves. Or his in-game alter-ego of Johnny Silverhand to be specific.

Being able to play flesh Tetris with Silverhand was actually doable on PC, as a handy mod allowed you to slap new skins on a “Joytoy” sex robot. Throw a Silverhand skin on the in-game model, and there you go: Riding the Bony Express with one half of Wyld Stallions was possible. Now granted, Cyberpunk 2077 does have Johnny Silverhand sex scenes but these are from the deceased rocker’s perspective, something which CDPR wanted to keep the focus on.

The studio wasn’t too keen with this particular mod and moved in to shut it down lest Reeves find inaction from the studio to not be too breath-taking. “Our most important rule regarding user-generated content, game mods in particular, is that it can’t be harmful towards others,” CDPR said to PC Gamer.


In the case of model swaps, especially those that involve explicit situations, it can be perceived as such by the people who lent us their appearance for the purpose of creating characters in Cyberpunk 2077.

Moral of the story? Have sex as Johnny Silverhand, not with Johnny Silverhand. The mod is now no more in public circles, but if you want to get your rocks off to it without having to worry about CDPR sending in a SWAT team, YouTube has plenty of NSFW reaction videos to take a gander at. As for Cyberpunk 2077, it’s still in a fix everything phase, which includes its own patches that have introduced a few new game-breaking bugs. Fun times!

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