The gem of Chatham
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Jennie Ashwal says Chatham in upstate New York rules

What makes your town special?

It is in beautiful upstate New York, snug in the middle of the Berkshire and Catskill mountains. A little gem up the Taconic State Parkway from New York City.

Tell us one secret wonder about your town that a tourist wouldn't know?

We have a few celebrities living here, including Frank Serpico (Al Pacino played his life story), Tatum O'Neal and Linda Lavin.

Many weekenders end up staying for life. My house, built in the 1700s, is reported to have been used during the Civil War as part of the Underground Railroad.

What is the best form of entertainment?

Cow tipping. All jokes aside, we have some amazing natural sites to visit within the area, including the Wilson M Powell Wildlife Sanctuary and organic markets and farms, especially the Braley farm stand.

Most locals hang out on Main Street at quaint cafes like The Summit and The Bagel Cafe, where I spent my high school days making and spending money.

Where's the best place to eat?

The Blue Plate, which the Clintons recently visited while house-hunting in the area, or my favourite gluten-free bakery, My Daily Bread.

And to drink?

Peint o Gwrw (which the locals can't pronounce either) is the best local tavern, where you can visit my buddy, the owner, Tom Hope.

There is also a fairly new addition to our town - the Chatham Brewing Company, which is nestled in an alley on Main Street.

Or the Hudson-Chatham Winery, if you prefer the finer things in life.

What can you get in your town that you can't get anywhere else?

Chatham wine and beer.

What makes someone typically from your town?

Knowing the local news and gossip about everyone and everything.

What is your favourite part of your town?

Main Street, where I spent my youth working, and my back yard, which is by the creek.

The thing you must see before you leave?

Main Street and the Braley farm stand.

What should a traveller avoid in your town?

Becoming gossip for the locals.

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