- Andrea Burgener
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Even the slightly keen cook is likely to be pleased when presented with a super-cool piece of kitchen equipment. Here are my top five items to buy for others or for yourself.

The pan that can

De Buyer French "blue" steel pans are the only ones you need. That's why professional kitchens have these stacked or hung up by the truckload. Pretty reasonable at about R320 for the standard medium, they get more and more useful with use, soon becoming virtually non-stick. Before cooking anything in a new De Buyer, it's essential to season it, which takes only a few minutes. Just google "De Buyer pan seasoning" and mountains of information will leap up. Always dry well immediately after cleaning, and then coat with a thin layer of oil, which prevents moisture in the air from rusting the pan. Do this religiously after every use and your pan will be with you forever.

Close shave

Once you've used a mandolin, you can't live without one. Salads made from paper-thin slivers of cucumber, root vegetable, and such, are a pain in the arse to make without a mandolin. This simple, unelectrified gadget is not just an amazing time-saver, but will produce dishes almost impossible to create with only a knife. From R500 to over R2000, depending on brand and whether the housing is plastic or stainless steel.

Smooth mash

Standard potato masher? Forget it. You'll never get the silken cloud which a potato-ricer, aka Mouli, achieves for about R300 or so. Recipients might look oddly at their new metal space-ship, but believe me, you will be thought of with great fondness every time the ricer is used.

A fine upstanding pot

Not just thick-bottomed, but thick-sided too, and cast in one solid piece, the pots from French company Mauviel just cannot be bettered. This is a present for someone you love unreasonably. To even write the prices of these pots makes me blush, so I won't. In mitigation, this pot will outlast you, your children and probably Armageddon too.

Spice Grinder

Well, really we're talking about a coffee grinder. The difference between dishes made with spices, seeds or nuts factory ground versus those made with the same items ground seconds before at home, is astonishing. At about R300, these thin machines offer huge value for the increase in flavour they bring.

  • Items available from Adams Discount Centre, 011-465-7928, or Culinary Equipment Company, 011-701-2200 (Mauviel from Culinary Equipment Company only)
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