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Suave neo-soul singer Maxwell is expected to arrive in the South Africa today and some details from his backstage rider paint a picture of a health nut.

Many have been wondering how the 40-year-old continues to defy age with his smooth voice and seemingly flawless skin (backed by immaculate grooming, neatly cut hair and smart tailoring).

The answer: a list of demands that look like something out of a Dr Oz book.

The Times has learnt that the crooner expects mineral water, fruit juice and chamomile tea.

We're told he drinks "socially", but does not smoke.

His dressing room will also be stocked with platters of sliced and whole fruit, dried fruit and organic nuts, including almonds, cashews and macadamias. It's all very modest. The two-time Grammy winner will play the GrandWest Arena in Cape Town on Thursday, Johannesburg's Coca-Cola Dome on Saturday and Durban's Wavehouse on December 9.

He will be supported by a six-piece band . He is expected to bring out his hits, including Pretty Wings , Bad Habits , This Woman's Work and Lifetime .

The tour's local publicist, Debra de Souza, said yesterday: "Maxwell has not made any travel or sightseeing plans yet, owing to his busy touring schedule."

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