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A world-renowned Christian organisation that preaches forgiveness and empathy has suspended a staff member for becoming pregnant out of wedlock.

The Scripture Union of SA has thrown the book at its Western Cape office administrator, who is six months pregnant. She is now banned from work.

Kelly Panti was hauled before a disciplinary hearing earlier this month for alleged "immoral behaviour". Her employer claimed that she had "damaged the reputation" of the Scripture Union by "behaving in a manner contrary to the accepted code of conduct".

Despite being found not guilty of the charges by the independent chairman of a disciplinary committee, the Scripture Union has prevented her from returning to work pending an appeal.

Panti, 24, has sought legal advice and the matter might be heading for the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration.

She confirmed her suspension this week but declined to comment . She has been permanently employed by the Scripture Union since 2012 and said only that she was not sure why she had not been allowed to return to work.

Panti's union representative, Envor Barros, said it was clear that she was the victim of an unfair labour practice.

"It is clear even in biblical terms that they are far off the mark," Barros said. "What gospel are they preaching? This is blatant disregard for her rights."

Scripture Union general director Tony Nzanzah yesterday confirmed that Panti's suspension related to the group's code of conduct. He declined to say whether it would proceed with an appeal, and a decision had yet to be communicated to Panti. He said it was not possible to say more at short notice.

But documents seen by The Times include a letter from the Scripture Union in which it says it intends to appeal the outcome of the disciplinary hearing because Panti's "immoral" behaviour would bring the organisation into disrepute.

  • The Scripture Union last night contacted Panti to say her suspension had been lifted and she could return to work on Monday. It is not known whether the appeal will go ahead.
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