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"You are a danger; you deserve to be permanently removed from society."

These were the words of Johannesburg High Court judge Natvarial Ranchod on Friday as he sentenced serial rapist James Thethe to six life terms in prison, plus an additional 290 years behind bars, for numerous rapes and robberies.

Applause and ululations filled the court after the sentence, with some of his victims saying Thethe, 32, got exactly what he deserved.

Thethe was charged with total of 27 counts, including for rape, house breaking and robbery, largely committed in the Brixton, Johannesburg area.

The father of two from Soweto was arrested in 2012 after being accused of raping and robbing a domestic worker.

According to prosecutor Phumeza Futshane, this incident “opened a can of worms” as more crimes by Thethe were uncovered. Most of his rape victims were domestic workers; one was a 16-year-old girl.

"For years, people were reporting cases of rape and robbery but the police could not … find the suspect, and his arrest resulted in many people identifying him as the person who raped them,” Futshane said.

His modus operandi, according to Futshane, was tying up his victim, taking her cell phone, asking if the boss was at home and if there was any money on the premises, before raping the victim.

"It was as if he had the script as all his victims have the same version of how events unfolded,” Futshane said.

In his judgment, Ranchod found that Thethe had shown no remorse for his crimes, noting that he had laughed at his victims when they broke down while testifying.

Ranchod added that the serious nature of the crimes warranted a heavy sentence.

"If the community cannot feel safe even in their homes, the very fabric of society is threatened," Ranchod said.

After handing down the sentence, Thethe reached for the door to the court room, resulting in police restraining him and prompting an order from Ranchod for him to sit down. He responded that he would not be forced to do so.

Futshane said Thethe would have another day in court, as there were still pending charges against him.

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