Neighbours and relatives of Rachel Dolly Tshabalala called for her alleged killer, Donald Sebolai, to be denied bail by the Protea Magistrate's Court.

"I am here as a neighbour and a mother. We don't want him to get bail. The whole of Rockville and Soweto is in pain because of him," Dimakatso Bonco, a neighbour of the Tshabalala family, said at the court.

She was shocked by the manner in which she died.

"It is terrible. He must stay in jail."

The group arrived in a minibus and held placards outside the court.

The placards read: "No bail for a murderer, Donald must rot in jail" and "I hate you, you are a killer Donald".

The 37-year-old DJ at Soweto-based community radio station, Jozi FM, was charged with the murder of his 32-year-old girlfriend. Tshabalala was stabbed several times and left in a locked flat in Jabulani, Soweto, on June 29.

Not guilty

Radio DJ Donald Sebolai pleaded not guilty to the murder of his girlfriend Dolly Tshabalala.

"I plead not guilty to the charge," he told the court.

He told the court he was a father of three children from different mothers. The children lived with the mothers.

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