lab tests, lab, antibiotics,
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For the first time in Africa, tests of medical samples for bacterial infections can now be done by a machine.

The multimillion-rand, hi-tech, fully automated diagnostic equipment was yesterday unveiled at Lancet Laboratories to enable doctors to treat patients more quickly and reduce the risk of inappropriate antibiotic therapy.

Lancet chief executive officer Dr Peter Cole yesterday said microbiology had always been a manual process and lagged behind in terms of automation, better turnaround time and standardisation. But the BD Kiestra reduces the turnaround time for a result for a bacterial infection from four days to two days or less.

Lancet's micro laboratory manager Nithianandhi Pillay said the manual process was too long for a doctor to react quickly and efficiently.

"And clinically this can result in inappropriate antibiotic therapy. Automation is the way forward," she said.

Lancet is planning to roll out the system in Pretoria and Johannesburg soon.

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