A police officer arrests two men during clashes between students and police in front of the Union Building on October 23, 2015 in Pretoria. South African police on October 23 fired rubber bullets and tear gas at students protesting outside government headquarters over hikes to university fees that President Jacob Zuma was forced to scrap after days of unrest. Zuma had been due to address the volatile crowd of thousands after talks with student leaders and university officials inside the buildings, but instead he read a short statement at a televised press briefing. "We agreed that there will be a zero increase of university fees in 2016," he said.
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Seven students, who were arrested during student protests at the Union Buildings, are being held at the Sunnyside police station but have not been charged, the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI) said on Saturday.

"The students have now been held for over 12 hours," SERI attorney Kea Thobakgale said in a statement.

"No docket has been opened for them at the police station, and there is therefore no prospect of getting a charge, bail, and release."

Police were not immediately available for comment.

SERI demanded that the seven being held in Sunnyside, and other detained after the protest on Friday be appropriately charged or immediately released.

Source: News24

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