Image: mvaughan40 via Instagram
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An officer from the Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) caught BBC Test Match commentator Jonathan Agnew driving without a licence.

According to The Telegraph Agnew was driving with three other commentators, former England cricket captain Michael Vaughan, Henry Blofeld and Simon Mann,  when the cop caught him driving without a licence.

The officer threatened him with handcuffs and a trip to the local station, according to the report.

While the men ended up emptying their pockets (although he let Agnew keep R20) the commentator says he did not pay a bribe.

Vaughan posted a picture of the altercation on Instagram, saying it did not look good for 'Aggers'.

Blofeld tweeted the altercation too.

According to IOL, JMPD spokeswoman Edna Mamonyane said she didn’t have information about the alleged incident and they were relying on information from journalists.

“What I can say is that an internal investigation has been opened.”

However she told the Telegraph, "They will have to lodge a complaint officially for us to investigate."

A spokeswoman for the BBC said, “We can confirm that Jonathan Agnew was stopped by the police. He was not carrying his driving licence and paid a fine. We have nothing more to add."

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