The mayor of Tshwane, Solly Msimanga of the DA. File photo.
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Tshwane mayor Solly Msimang has hit back at ANC criticism of his trip to Taiwan, saying it was "a manufactured outrage" and that he was given permission to go there.

Msimang said yesterday he was warned against travelling to Taiwan only a few minutes before boarding a flight to Taipei.

He said "nobody ever communicated with myself" about any potential diplomatic problems that might arise from the trip until he was about to board the plane.

"To show this was a manufactured outrage, only five minutes before I boarded the plane did I receive a call from the spokesperson [of the Department of International Relations and Co-operation]. You can't use a diplomatic passport without permission. You can't go through the state protocol office without being allowed to be there," said Msimanga.

The mayor challenged the department to release communication between Tshwane and the department, saying he would also do the same to prove who was telling the truth.

Msimanga's trip to Taiwan drew the ire of the ANC, which insisted that it amounted to subverting South Africa's foreign policy, which endorsed the One-China policy.

Msimanga said he was well aware of the sensitivity on the matter and steered clear of politics.

"The trip to Taipei was not political and should not have been turned into the little political football that it is," said Msimanga.

"When I arrived in Taipei, I stayed away from politics because I knew [the matter between China and Taiwan] was sensitive."

Msimanga said the furore resulting from the trip had spooked the 120 would-be investors he had met in Taipei.

They had apparently asked whether "it is safe to come there", said Msimanga.

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