Sipho Pityana - the time has come for us to take a stand against corruption. #SaveSouthAfrica @_SaveSA
Image: Kathrada Foundation via Twitter
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The Save South Africa movement is convening a People's Assembly next week, dubbed the "Real State of the Nation Address", "to present the truth about the Zuma administration, and the truth about South Africa", says its leader, businessman Sipho Pit-yana.

President Jacob Zuma would not be short of words when he delivered his State of the Nation address on Thursday, Pityana said, but he anticipated it would be "the most underwhelming State of the Nation address in democratic South African history".

"After all, it will be delivered by the worst head of the post-apartheid state and the worst president the African National Congress has ever had.

"It will be delivered by a head of state who has neither honour nor integrity, and absolutely no sense of accountability.

"He will gloss over the mistakes he has made, he will ignore the rampant corruption and abuse that causes the current crises we face, and he will roll out another set of promises, replete with unintelligible numbers.

"If it were not so tragic, it would be hilarious.

"But there is nothing to laugh about when it comes to Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, despite the name his parents gave him. Absolutely nothing.

"Each year he climbs the podium in parliament and promises us a better future that he has no intention to deliver - because he has no respect for the people of this country.

"His leadership has set our country back many years on so many fronts," said Pityana.

He was speaking yesterday at the Cape Town Press Club .

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