Former public protector Prof Thuli Madonsela has weighed in on the unrest.
Image: Gallo Images/Darren Stewart
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The violent protests and looting of businesses in parts of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal were instigated by individuals who used the hungry “to destroy the little that keeps communities going”, says Thuli Madonsela. 

The former public protector commended those who have resisted the destruction of infrastructure and looting of businesses in their communities, saying while it is true that millions live in hunger and suffer unemployment, the ransacking of shops and infrastructure are criminal acts masquerading as protests.

“Salute to South Africans standing their ground against thuggery and looting masquerading as protest. It’s true many people are hungry, but being instigated by selfish leaders to destroy the little that keeps communities going, makes no sense,” she tweeted.

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She said the “instigators” are well-off individuals who will not feel the brunt of the destruction.

“Heartfelt condolences to families whose lives have been lost and businesses affected due to violence instigated by people who are comfortably sitting in opulent homes and won’t be affected by the job losses, food insecurity and other challenges that will follow,” Madonsela wrote. 

Attempts by TimesLIVE to get further comment from Madonsela was unsuccessful at the time of publishing this story. Any comment will be added once received.

Her remarks come on the heels of ANC deputy secretary-general Jessie Duarte's claim the instigators of the violent demonstrations were “strongmen” in pockets of ANC structures in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga.

Meanwhile, police have apprehended one of the 12 instigators of riots in the two provinces. 


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