Cape Town libraries are appealing to patrons to return more than 22,000 books, study guides and DVDs worth R3m.
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Cape Town has lost 22,000 items, worth R3m, from its libraries.

Now the city is appealing to patrons to return them. On Friday, councillor Patricia van der Ross, the mayoral committee member for community services, said the city’s libraries would have a fine-free week from Monday to Saturday to encourage people to return the items. Van der Ross said the 22,775 items included books, study guides and DVDs.

“We cannot ignore the reality of lost or unreturned items. An item is deemed lost when it hasn’t been returned by the due date for at least three months. This deprives other patrons of enjoying the item, while libraries incur a loss they can ill afford,” said Van der Ross.

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The grade 12 geography study guide, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, Alice in Wonderland and Little Red Riding Hood topped the list of missing items, she said.

“During this week we want to encourage our patrons to view reading as a fun activity and to encourage them to incorporate reading into their daily lives. It is a pleasure being denied to many when items are not returned.”

Van der Ross said the amnesty will allow patrons to return overdue books and other items without paying a fine and that International Literacy Day on Thursday highlights the changes and improvements being made worldwide in literacy development.

“Improving literacy is an integral part of our efforts to close the inequality gap in education and eradicate poverty. The theme for this year's International Literacy Day is 'Transforming Literacy Learning Spaces' and gives us the opportunity to consider the importance of our libraries as literacy learning spaces,” said Van der Ross.


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