Welfare animal organisation Four Paws needs donations to relocate a pride of 10 lions from a breeding facility in Gauteng which will be closed because of the inadequate conditions.
Image: Four Paws
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Animal welfare organisation Four Paws has asked for donations to rescue a pride of 10 lions in Gauteng for relocation to its Lionsrock Big Cat Sanctuary in the Free State. Once there, the animals will need money for food and care.

Four Paws said it was made aware of the pride made up of seven females and three males in need of a species-appropriate home.  

The organisation said authorities asked it to help free the lions from a breeding facility in Gauteng, which will be closed because of the inadequate conditions.

Four Paws said the facility lost the permits to keep the animals and said the risk of the lions breaking out was high.   

The organisation said it would love to see the pride thriving in the sanctuary in Bethlehem.

Four Paws said its sanctuary is home to more than 100 big cats rescued from around the world where they are protected for the rest of their lives.

“We were approached by and are now working with the local authorities, and we are able to assist them and have prepared a species-appropriate forever home for the lions.”

It said the lions finally could get the life they deserve. They could roam freely in a huge outdoor enclosure without living their lives for the sole purpose of human amusement.   

Four Paws said the pride will have to travel from Gauteng and undergo a thorough medical check during the rescue to enable  Four Paws to properly care for them. 

Four Paws said the story of the #GoldenPride  was not uncommon.

“Theirs is not an individual case — many animals are still suffering in private keeping and intensive farming for the commercial trade. This must end! Big cats in captivity are exploited and their wild populations threatened by the demand for big cat products.”


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