Political analyst puppet Chester Missing pokes fun at President Cyril Ramaphosa.
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Political analyst puppet Chester Missing’s “Zoom call” with President Cyril Ramaphosa will have you laughing your way through the day.
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The puppet made light of the Phala Phala farm saga before a Q&A session scheduled for September 29, when Ramaphosa will answer outstanding questions about the robbery. 

In the “Zoom call”, Chester Missing refers to Ramaphosa as “Mr Money Couch”. 

“Why the hell was the R60m in your couch and did you make that money selling sex toys to Zimbabwe?” he asked.

“I know there is a great deal of interest in my answer to this question,” Ramaphosa “responded”. 

Chester Missing jokingly asked if Ramaphosa sold illegal sex toys to Zimbabwe and whether one of them was called the “Mnangagwa crocodile”.

National Assembly speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula told MPs Ramaphosa indicated September 29 is the earliest date he can answer the outstanding questions.

The initial question session ended abruptly after MPs squabbled over whether he answered an African Transformation Movement (ATM) question about his handling of the scandal.

Days later, opposition MPs demanded parliament be urgently reconvened so Ramaphosa could answer the outstanding supplementary questions.

Mapisa-Nqakula wrote to the president to ask about his availability.

“The president has since written back and has indicated that the earliest opportunity he can attend to the outstanding questions is September 29, which is the day which anyway was allocated for questions to the president,” she said.

On Wednesday, Mapisa-Nqakula announced an independent three-person panel to look into the matter and recommend whether to initiate a process to impeach Ramaphosa.

Her decision was met with criticisms from the EFF, calling for a vote of no confidence.

“Her appointments are irrational, bias[ed], and are a complete disregard of the consultative process with political parties represented in parliament,” it said.

The speaker “spat in the face of the SA people and our democracy” by appointing people “who were not nominated by at least one of the nine opposition political parties represented in parliament”.

EFF deputy leader Floyd Shivambu said the speaker would “fall” as a result of the matter.

“Nosiviwe takes parliament for granted. She must be combined with Ramaphosa in the motion of no confidence and she too will fall,” he said.


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