Water and sanitation minister Senzo Mchunu is due to meet with local authorities on Monday to discuss Gauteng's water supply challenges. File photo.
Image: Freddy Mavunda
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Water and sanitation minister Senzo Mchunu says Gauteng is not in a crisis because there is water in dams.

This despite Rand Water announcing it would reduce flows to six municipalities it supplies to stabilise and avoid emptying reservoirs. 

Stage 2 water restrictions have been imposed as it tries to improve reservoir storage capacity. This means no irrigation or watering of gardens with a hosepipe. Cleaning driveways and patios with hosepipes is also prohibited.

Mchunu has called an urgent meeting with Gauteng municipalities over concerns about water use for Monday morning. 

“I share the anxiety of the people and the experience they are going through of [reduced water pressure] or no supply in some places. However, we are not in a crisis. A crisis means intense difficulty where, for instance, we say there is no water in a dam or dams and so on,” Mchunu said during a SAfm radio interview.

Earlier this month, the national water department said the Vaal Dam was at 94% capacity while the country’s largest water supply system, the Integrated Vaal River System which comprises 14 dams across four provinces, was at just under the same level. 

Mchunu said Rand Water was efficient in managing resources.

“When people all of a sudden use more water than they normally use, it will affect the whole system, but not because the system itself is not being run efficiently. I know for instance in Johannesburg and Tshwane there isn't a lot of water in the system via leaks, and it is a matter we will discuss once more and take a decision in terms of what is happening.

“In the main our focus this morning is going to say there is a problem and how do we resolve it? I am hoping we will be able to do exactly that,” said Mchunu.

The urgent meeting will also look into what adjustments need to be made to tackle the supply gap caused by increased water consumption during heatwaves.

“We are meeting today with the need to say what adjustments need to be made to ensure we cover the gap caused by the heatwave by making adjustments where possible.”

Managers will make presentations at the meeting and “with the proposals, I am sure we will find the answer”.

“We will find the answer outside the blaming,” Mchunu said.

He called on residents to do their part by conserving water.

“The analysis we have been doing for the past few days shows people who have car washes are no longer getting water from their storage tanks. They are using drinking water from the pipes, people watering their gardens all over Joburg and Tshwane are using piped water and that has an impact. That is why it is very important to emphasise we have to use water very sensitively because it is better to use it cautiously than to have no water at all,” he said.

Monday’s meeting will be attended by representatives of the three metros in Gauteng affected by Rand Water’s water restrictions, district and local municipalities, the ministry and Rand Water.

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