Shortly after the 'freak wave' struck, the eThekwini municipality confirmed the death of three people. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Leon Swart
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Opposition parties in KwaZulu-Natal have called for a probe into the circumstances that led to three people drowning at Durban's North Beach on Saturday.

ActionSA chairperson Zwakele Mncwango said the city should also detail the safety measures in place and state whether the lifeguards at the beach had enforced these measures

“We believe the city may have not been well prepared to handle this large influx of people at the beaches. Had they been, there would have had more than enough lifeguards,” said Mncwango.

He said had the city prioritised fixing sewer infrastructure that had caused sewage spillages resulting in high E. coli levels at some beaches, crowds would have not gathered at this particular beach.

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“This would have drastically decreased overcrowding making beaches easier to manage and possibly avoiding such tragedies,” said Mncwango.

Municipal spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela said the 35 lifeguards and paramedics had to rescue more than 100 people.

Mncwango said the city had been ill-prepared for the scores of people who flocked to the beach at the weekend.

“Had this been not the case we should have seen more lifeguards and emergency services personnel at the beach to ensure the public's safety.”

He said the incident had left the families of the three victims devastated. 

“A tragic incident such as this has a potential of a lifelong effect on the victims’ family members and those of the public who witnessed the occurrence. We wish to know what measures the city has taken to support those affected by the accident emotionally.” said Mncwango.

The EFF's Mongezi Twala said they had noted with sadness the news of the drownings. He said the drownings could have been prevented had the city not reopened the beaches after the recent water contamination. 

“We had previously warned the municipality against the premature opening. The public would not have relied on the few beaches to bathe,” said Twala.

The red berets called for the city to foot the bill for the burial of the victims and pay the medical bills for those injured in the tragedy.

“This will ensure that they are given the best medical care. Our thoughts are with their families,” said Twala.


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