Helen Zille has weighed in on the country's power crisis. File photo.
Image: Veli Nhlapo
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DA federal council chair Helen Zille has accused inside forces of sabotaging the country’s energy supply.

Rolling blackouts have cost the economy billions and left millions frustrated. 

As the new minister of electricity Kgosientsho Ramokgopa and Eskom executives work to find solutions, Zille shared her feelings on The Economist’s reports that Ukraine engineers were restoring power to areas hit by war faster than its infrastructure could be destroyed.

Zille said they could teach Eskom something, if only it would help.

“Oh wait, Ukrainians don't destroy their own infrastructure in the way South Africans do,” she said.

Zille said “the enemy within are those who sabotage the infrastructure they are meant to maintain”.

Ramokgopa told the Sunday Times he would look beyond our borders for solutions to the crisis, including studying what has worked for other countries.

He recently met with the Chinese ambassador to discuss a possible collaboration to end load-shedding. This may including: sourcing technical expertise, demand-side management intervention as it relates to supply, training young people to meet demands for solar power installations, the introduction of micro-grids and emergency power. 

He said he plans to “pull apart” President Cyril Ramaphosa’s energy crisis action plan announced last year to speed its implementation. 

Eskom suspended load-shedding on Sunday but returned it to stage 1 on Monday.

Stage 2 will be implemented from 4pm on Monday until 5am on Tuesday.  

“Load-shedding will be again suspended from 5am until 4pm on Tuesday. Stage 2 will be implemented from 4pm on Tuesday until 4pm on Wednesday.”  

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