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"What if Museveni [Ugandan president] is lesbian or gay himself? What if Museveni is going to discover that much later. Because there are people that discover that even when they are older that, 'actually this is what I am,'" said EFF leader Julius Malema on Tuesday afternoon.

Malema was speaking to a crowd in Tshwane, Gauteng, where the EFF held a picket outside the Ugandan embassy against the anti-homosexuality bill imposed by Uganda.

"How are you going to identify that a person is gay? What scientific method are you going to use that she is lesbian? All you are going to use is look at a person out of hatred and decide this one is gay, this one is lesbian — it cannot be correct. So we are saying to Museveni, leave people the way they are. It is not our problem, it is not your problem, it is not a problem," said Malema.

A memorandum was handed over to Maj-Gen Fred Ociti Tolit of the Ugandan high commission.


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