The provision of condoms in Gauteng is taking a knock as some suppliers don't have stock. File photo.
Image: 123RF/yeko
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There is a shortage of male and female condoms in Gauteng due to a lack of stock from some suppliers.

This is contained in a response by health MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko to a question in the legislature. 

“Contract RT7_condom supplier didn't have stock to deliver to the province from the inception of the new contract in February 2022 as suppliers were awaiting SABS sample approval before ordering bulk stock from the manufacturers.

“There are shortages in all five districts,” said Nkomo-Ralehoko.

She said orders were made and delivery of condoms started in August 2022 and is ongoing in all five districts. Suppliers who have completed deliveries of their annual allocated stock but still have excess stock were mandated to continue deliveries.

DA shadow health MEC Jack Bloom said it was “disgraceful”.

They have a vital role to play in family planning as well as prevention of HIV/Aids and other STIs.

We need to get the basics right in healthcare in Gauteng. This includes proper contract management so that reliable and cost-effective suppliers are chosen rather than companies that don’t deliver,” said Bloom. 

Since the high point of condom distribution in 2017/2018, there has been a downward trend in the number of condoms distributed. In 2021/2022 only 129-million male condoms and 5.2-million female condoms were distributed — a 45% decline.

Nkomo-Ralehoko said the condom shortage may contribute to an increase in sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). This includes male urethritis syndrome, reported cases of which increased from 5,486 in February 2022 to 6,035 in February this year. 


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