Police minister Bheki Cele released the latest crime stats on Tuesday. File photo.
Image: Ziphozonke Lushaba
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Contact crimes have increased by 4%, with common robbery and attempted murder leading the pack, according to the fourth quarter crime statistics.

The stats were released by police top brass led by minister Bheki Cele in Cape Town on Tuesday. 

The fourth quarter covers January to March 2023.

Speaking ahead of the release, Cele said: “Interrogating the crime figures we are releasing today, it is unmistakable the decision to upscale visible policing and disruptive operations from Thursdays to Mondays in all provinces is working.

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“More boots on the ground are pushing back on criminality through provincial intelligence-led operations to take down individuals and criminal syndicates hell-bent on terrorising communities. These criminal lockdowns have been adopted by all provincial commissioners and are guided by crime intelligence and crime trends and analysis. 

“This aggressive form of policing is adapted from the Gauteng-based Operation O kae Molao, which has been ongoing for five years. This follows the need for the police service to upscale its responses to crime and  lock down and squeeze the space for criminals.”

A total of 6,289 people were murdered between January and March, which is an increase of 206 from the same period last year.

These people were killed with a firearm, knife, sharp and blunt instruments, stone and even bare hands, according to Cele.

"Most killings took place in KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape and Gauteng, with arguments, vigilantism and robberies topping the motive list for murder.

"KwaZulu-Natal reported the highest figures of multiple-murder cases, followed by the Eastern Cape with 206 and 155 victims respectively. Free State, Northern Cape and Western Cape recorded decreases in murder figures with Western Cape and Northern Cape reporting double-digit decreases in murder cases," he said.

There were 6,192 attempted murder cases registered. This is 475 more cases than last year.

In the assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm category, 43,090 cases were reported, 98 more than last year. A total of 49,226 assault cases were registered, increasing by 3,480 from the same period last year

A total of 34,460 robbery with aggravating circumstances cases were reported during the fourth quarter, an increase of 1,677, while 11,744 common robbery cases were reported. This is an increase of 957 from last year.


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