Convicted serial killer Rosemary Ndlovu has been found in possession of a cellphone in prison and will now be charged.
Image: Musa Magazi
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Notorious insurance killer Rosemary Ndlovu has been caught in possession of a cellphone and will now again have to face the consequences of breaking the law — this time inside prison. 

The department of correctional services (DCS) on Sunday announced that internal charges had been laid against Ndlovu for “contravening the Correctional Services Act” after she was caught with a mobile phone.

“Inmates found in possession of cellphones are charged in terms of section 23(1) of the Correctional Services Act. They are then reprimanded accordingly, a process which may involve a withdrawal of privileges for a specified period, reclassification (downgrade) and other punitive measures,” said department spokesperson Singabakho Nxumalo.

“Illegal activities and deviant behaviour by inmates has no place in correctional facilities. DCS is working towards achieving contraband-free centres, hence different measures are being employed by means of removing all illegal items in our centres,” he added. 

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Ndlovu is a convicted serial killer and a former policewoman found guilty of murdering her live-in lover and five of her relatives between 2012 and 2018. She was found to have taken out life and insurance policies for her targets and collected as much as R1.4m in payouts after their deaths.

She received six life sentences for the murders, 10 years each on four counts of fraud, 10 years each for seven charges of incitement to commit murder and 10 years for attempting to murder her mother, Maria Mushawana. 

Ndlovu's murder spree ended after she was recorded trying to enlist an undercover police officer and another man posing as hitmen to burn her sister Joyce and her five children to death inside her house. This led to her arrest and subsequent conviction. 


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