Rapper and TV personality Jub Jub on Thursday appeared in the Johannesburg magistrate's court where he faced a string of charges, including rape and attempted murder.
Image: Instagram/Jub Jub
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TV presenter and rapper Molemo “Jub Jub” Maarohanye appeared in the Johannesburg magistrate's court on Thursday where he applied for bail after being charged with rape, attempted murder and assault.

The hip-hop artist was released on bail of R10,000.

He appeared in court after handing himself over to authorities earlier on Thursday. 

His alleged offences were committed during 2006 and 2009.

While the Criminal Procedure Act prohibits the naming of sexual assault suspects until they have pleaded to the charges, TimesLIVE has opted to name him in the public interest. 

Applying for bail, Maarohanye said he would not interfere with the functioning of the criminal justice system.

He admitted he had one previous conviction. 

This was in reference to a culpable homicide conviction. He and his friend Thabo Tshabalala were convicted after a March 2010 incident when the two of them, who were drag racing on a busy Soweto street, ploughed into a group of schoolchildren, killing four. Two survived the incident but were brain damaged.

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His lawyer said he had been co-operating with the police and voluntarily handed himself over earlier on Thursday when he heard he was wanted by the police.

The prosecution said in one case the complainant had reported the alleged rape at the time but was told by the police to go home and sort out the relationship with her partner.

The victim being referred to was Maarohanye's ex-girlfriend Amanda Du-Pont. 

In December 2021, after Maarohanye's comments about his relationship with the actress on MacG's  Podcast and Chill, she said in a 17-minute video  Maarohanye allegedly raped her multiple times for two years while they were together. 

“I was raped and physically abused by Jub Jub. The only thing I did wrong was keep quiet,” Du-Pont captioned the post.

Maarohanye later issued a public apology on his Instagram page but denied raping Du-Pont.

“In the aftermath of the release of my interview with MacG I have taken time to rewatch the interview and reflect on my words, specifically my exchange with Mac G regarding Amanda Du-Pont.

“It was inappropriate for me to discuss the intimate details of my relationship with Du-Pont in public. I regret the incident. I apologise unreservedly to Amanda for the humiliation and hurt I caused her,” he wrote.

Du-Pont opened a case with police in February 2022. 


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