EFF leader Julius Malema is to face criminal charges for a botched attempt at slaughtering a cow, which left the animal in unnecessary pain and distress.
Image: EFF via Twitter
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EFF leader Julius Malema faces criminal charges of animal cruelty for the botched slaughter of a cow as part of the party’s 10th anniversary.

A video went viral in July as Malema struggled to slaughter the first of 100 cows in Magaliesberg to mark the EFF’s celebration.

The footage showed the cow in a red cage and Malema holding a small knife which he used to stab the animal in the back of its head.

In several attempts, he continued to jab the knife into the cow in an attempt to paralyse it by pithing it — a method to pierce or sever the spinal cord to kill an animal.

But it was clear from the video Malema, using two small knives, was struggling and instead stabbed the cow 11 times while twisting the knife more than 60 times in the conscious animal, the NSPCA said.

Spokesperson Jacques Peacock said it was clear Malema repeatedly inflicted pain, causing the animal to unnecessarily suffer and endure significant distress.

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“After a thorough investigation into the contraventions depicted in the video, the NSPCA has laid criminal charges against Malema in accordance with the Animals Protection Act. The NSPCA will work with law enforcement and the prosecuting authority to ensure a comprehensive investigation and prosecution,” said Peacock.

The case was opened at the Magaliesberg police station, he said. 

The act protects animals from unnecessary pain, suffering and cruelty and the NSPCA expects people, including public figures and leaders, to set an example by upholding and respecting this law.

“It is crucial that those who inflict harm upon animals are held accountable for their actions as this sends a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our society.”



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