Molemo Maarohanye after appearing at the Johannesburg magistrate's court.
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The rape and attempted murder case involving Molemo "Jub Jub" Maarohanye has been postponed to February 5.

The musician and TV host — who is facing 13 charges including rape, indecent assault, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and kidnapping — made a brief appearance at the Johannesburg magistrate's court on Monday circled by an entourage of people.

His lawyer Terrance Baloyi said they were waiting to be provided with the particulars they asked for to proceed with the matter.

"We requested further particulars because something was not adding up. We're a work in progress. We requested further particulars because some charges we could not understand or comprehend. For example, if somebody says 'I've been raped', you say during the period of a year you haven't said anything, so how do we plead with such a charge?" he said.

The lawyer questioned how the state has a strong case against his client as the complainant waited more than a decade to take legal action on alleged offences committed between 2006 and 2009.

"The unfortunate part is that we are talking about something that allegedly happened many years ago."

Jub Jub is out on R10,000 bail.

Take a look at pictures taken of Jub Jub outside the Johannesburg magistrate's court after his appearance:

- Molemo Maarohanye in conversation after his brief appearance at the Johannesburg magistrate's court.
- Molemo Maarohanye after appearing at the Johannesburg magistrate's court.
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