ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa has reaffirmed that his party and the government stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine.
Image: Alaister Russell
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While Hamas has welcomed South Africa taking Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the SA Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) has slammed the government for including a meeting it held with the SAJBD to make its case.

On Friday, the South African government applied to institute proceedings against Israel at the ICJ, the judicial arm of the UN, over its attacks on Palestinians in Gaza.

Its application listed instances where it had been vocal against attacks by Israel, including a meeting at the presidential house in November with the SAJBD.

The SAJBD said it was “deeply concerning” that the government had included their meeting in making its case against Israel. It also said the meeting was in December and not November as stated in the application.

SAJBD national chair Karen Milner said the meeting was to express “its concerns about rising anti-Semitism in SA and about the lack of consular services to SA citizens in Israel”.

“The SAJBD made it clear that we are not the representatives of the state of Israel nor go-betweens of the two countries. We are South African citizens like any other, with valid concerns about our human rights as citizens of this country. That the South African legal case against Israel twisted the meeting in this way, shows the depths to which the government will sink in doing the bidding of its friends Hamas,” Milner said. 

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She said the country continues to “humiliate itself” in the international community as it has previously been found by the International Criminal Court that it had flouted its duties to the ICC by failing to arrest wanted Sudanese head of state Omar al-Bashir.

“This latest media-seeking stunt lacks credibility and is evident that they have no real understanding of the current conflict, international law or interest in finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict,” said Milner.

Meanwhile, Hamas has expressed its appreciation to South Africa for submitting the application.

Hamas' international relations director for east, central and Southern Africa, Emad Saber, said the action by South Africa was a significant step towards holding the leaders of Israel accountable for some of the “worst atrocities in contemporary history”.

“We call on all countries to submit similar files and requests to competent national and international courts against this Nazi entity, considering it a threat to international peace and security. This is to ensure it does not escape punishment for the heinous crimes committed against children and innocent civilians in the Gaza strip.”



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