The King Cobra, the world's largest venomous snake.
Image: Symphoney Symphoney (Flickr)
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A stash of wine containing dead cobras, geckos and seahorses was found at a public library in Hawaii, according to reports.

A custodian found the bottles, labelled ‘snake wine’ under stacks of old bus routes, said Huffington Post.

The bottles of snake wine, a “real specialty of Vietnam," looked like some had been opened and sampled before they were thrown out.

People drink it to combat hair loss or boost virility, following a centuries-old tradition in China and southeast Asia.

Hundreds of varieties are available, many of which use dead, sometimes endangered, animals.

“A snake is illegal in Hawaii, no matter what,” said Pouran Malekkazeronian, a library security guard, to Honolulu’s KITV news.

Possessing a living snake is a class C felony, and although these snakes were dead, the US Customs and Border Protection further prohibits trading any species present on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora’s list, which includes cobras.

Nobody knows why the Waikiki snake wine bottles were ever tossed in the first place, but our hunch is that has to do with a disgusting hangover.

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