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Muslim televangelist Mücahid Cihad Han claims that if you masturbate, you will get your hands pregnant in the afterlife.

One of the callers to his show on Turkey's 2000 TV had told him that he just couldn't keep himself from masturbating, despite being married, according to the Hurriyet Daily News.

He couldn't even stop during the Umrah - a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Han, after making sure he understood what the man was saying, warned him that masturbation is Haram, and that “Moreover, one hadith states that those who have sexual intercourse with their hands will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife”.

Han's position is not universally embraced in Islam, and has drawn mockery on Twitter.

“Are there any hand-gynaecologists in the afterlife? Is abortion allowed there?” One user asked, while another answered:

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