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The Free State health department is critically ill and has a high shortage of doctors, the DA said on Wednesday.

“The committee was presented with figures of a high vacancy rate and various other problems,” Democratic Alliance MPL Basil Alexander said in a statement.

Alexander called for the urgent filling of posts to ensure service delivery.

He said there was a vacancy rate of 28% for doctors, 31 percent for medical specialists, ad 42% for pharmacists.   “If we don’t fill those posts, there is no way we can serve our communities properly,” he said.

He said the situation was going to affect the poorest of the poor, who could not access any other health care system.   He criticised the failure to update the departmental register of cases of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis and Extensive Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.

Alexander called for the suspension of health MEC Benny Malakoane who is under investigation for alleged corruption committed during his stint as municipal manager of Matjhabeng municipality.

Alexander said the suspension would be in the best interests of the department and Malakoane, and that it would give him the time to clear his name before continuing with his duties.

Attempts to get comment from the department were unsuccessful.

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