Mamphela Ramphele. File photo.
Image: Alon Skuy
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Voters must help oust the ANC in next year’s elections, said Agang SA.

Mamphela Ramphele’s party launched its national election campaign in Johannesburg on Saturday  People had not had a more important opportunity than the one they had now, Ramphele said at the launch, according to a statement issued by Agang.

“The 2014 election is an opportunity to raise your voices and say no to the way the ANC is shamefully running this country,” she said.

Ramphele said the elections would give five million first-time voters a chance to exercise their civic right and to have their voices heard.

Describing the party’s new emblem she said: “Our colourful circle is inclusive of all the people of South Africa, where everybody is equal.

“You will notice the colours of our flag, because we are proud of what South Africa was promised when it was designed and raised jubilantly from flagpoles across our country at the dawn of our democracy.”  She said the 11 triangles represented the official languages.

“Green is the colour of growth and represents our commitment to make sure we look after our natural resources so that we will always have clean water, good food and beauty — and there will be enough, for all, forever.”

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