'SHOW RESPECT': Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Highstead residence, Groote Schuur Estate
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Give state-owned enterprises (SOEs) a chance, and stop rubbishing them, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa pleaded in Parliament on Wednesday.

Addressing a question on the state of the SA Post Office, Ramaphosa said the SOE was on a journey to something admirable.

He called for Members of Parliament to give the Post Office an opportunity to grow.

"Let’s not be negative. Rather than rubbish the Post Office and indeed other state owned enterprises, let us give them the opportunity and wish them well on this journey because they are now taking beautiful steps to make sure that they reposition our Post Office," he said.

Minimum wage

Making an example Eskom’s profitability, he said they were determined to make sure that all SOEs worked efficiently and profitably.

Ramaphosa said it was not a joy for the government either to have these SOEs continuously going to the fiscus for funds.

The deputy president also answered questions on racism in the country, the privatisation of SOEs, as well as the introduction of a minimum wage.

He was asked by the Economic Freedom Fighters about when the matter of a minimum wage would be completed, and if the party was siding with business on the matter.

Ramaphosa said deliberations were underway and talks were on an advanced stage.

"We are working frantically to try and reach agreement on the level. Minimum wage needs to be set at a level that makes a difference in the lives of the lowest paid workers in our country while ensuring that economic growth and job creation is sustained."

Source News 24

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