Ekurhuleni ANC chairperson Mzwandile Masina.
Image: Freddy Mavunda
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ANC Ekurhuleni chair Mzwandile Masina is expected to resign as a councillor on Thursday.

He is also expected to apologise to ANC members for destabilising coalition negotiations the party was having with the EFF in its attempt to regain the Ekurhuleni municipality.

Masina has effectively avoided a disciplinary hearing and possible suspension as regional chair.

The ANC in Gauteng earlier this month resolved to charge Masina for defying the party and bringing it into disrepute.

This after he went ahead with a motion of no confidence in DA mayor Tania Campbell earlier this month, despite warnings from the PEC that it was still negotiating a deal with the EFF.

According to insiders, the motion was premature as provincial leaders had not concluded their discussions with the red berets.

ANC Gauteng spokesperson Lesego Makhubela confirmed Masina had undertaken to resign as a councillor.

TimesLIVE further understands that Masina was on Thursday attending a council meeting, where he is expected to tender his resignation.

Makhubela said this was the outcome of a meeting Masina had with provincial office bearers.

“The officials provided a report that comrade Mzwandile Masina will offer a public apology to members of the ANC and also that he has voluntarily decided to resign as a councillor representing the ANC in the Ekurhuleni council,” Makhubela said on Thursday.

Masina has avoided a disciplinary process that could have led to his suspension as chairperson. The deal he has reached with the officials, which was presented to the provincial working committee (PWC) this week, will see him keep his position as regional chair.

“The PWC wishes comrade Mzwandile well in his endeavours and thanks him for leading one of the most stable, innovative and well-run municipalities for the past five years as a mayor,” Makhubela said.

“The city of Ekurhuleni, under the stewardship and exemplary leadership of comrade Mzwandile Masina and his collective, was a model for good governance.”


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