Debate on motions of no confidence in mayor and speaker to be held in Nongoma council. File image.
Image: Karen Moolman
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An attempt to bring about a change in political control of the Nongoma local municipality in northern KwaZulu-Natal is expected to resume on Tuesday after an adjournment due to violent disruptions.

A motion of no confidence in mayor Albert Mncwango and speaker Bheki Zulu is set to be tabled at a special sitting on Tuesday morning.

A power shift has occurred after the EFF dumped the IFP as its coalition partner, paving the way for a co-governing agreement with the ANC and NPF.

The sitting will take place under heavy police guard and tensions after violent disruptions blamed on the IFP that prevented the motions from being tabled on Monday as scheduled.

According to NFP secretary-general Canaan Mdletshe, the adjournment on Monday was taken after a meeting with police and party whips who deemed the environment unsafe.

He described the events as chaotic, triggered by insults, threats and physical confrontation. 

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The ANC in Mzala Nxumalo region, under which the municipality falls, echoed the same sentiments.

“Our priority as the ANC in Mzala Nxumalo was to prevent the destruction of property and to ensure the safety of councillors across all political parties.”

The sitting on Monday was a result of intervention by the provincial Cogta. The NFP said an attempt to frustrate the process of removing the IFP from power had followed.

It called for law enforcement to be reinforced after the violent disruptions.

" We saw councillors causing havoc, insulting and manhandling police. It was tense and extremely dangerous. "
- NFP secretary general Canaan Mdletshe

“We saw councillors causing havoc, insulting and manhandling the members of the SAPS. It was tense and extremely dangerous,” Mdletshe said. 

“We therefore call for the security to be intensified. We want more police officers from outside Zululand to be deployed to stabilise the situation.” 

Mdletshe said the NFP was fearful for the safety of councillors.

The safety of police officers including the property and the council building itself was at risk.

“There were threats to burn the council building. Threats were made that Nongoma will be ungovernable even after today's meeting. This simply means the councillors will never be able to conduct their work without fear.

“The situation in Nongoma yesterday reminded us of a very traumatic history where Nongoma was dubbed a no-go area for other political formations, except the IFP. What we witnessed [on Monday] resembled that sad and barbaric history,” he added. 

Monday's disruption left the council chamber ceilings, lights and furniture damaged after men carrying knobkerries stormed municipal offices, bringing proceedings to a halt. 

Eyewitnesses told TimesLIVE municipal workers were earlier unable to enter the premises as sand was dumped at the gates, while chains and locks installed by unknown people provided a second barrier.


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