Former head of the national intelligence agency Billy Masetlha died earlier on Sunday after a lengthy illness. 
Image: Gallo Images/City Press/Leon Sadiki
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South Africa's ambassador to Algeria, Billy Masetlha, has died, the department of international relations and co-operations (Dirco) said on Sunday. 

The former head of the national intelligence agency died earlier on Sunday after a lengthy illness. 

He was 68. 

Masetlha, who was also a presidential adviser,  was fired from his role as director of intelligence by former President Thabo Mbeki in 2006 when their relationship soured. 

In a short tribute to Masetlha, Dirco said: "[He] has served the government in various capacities ... and was deeply involved in the anti-apartheid movement, including as a member of Umkhonto we Sizwe. 

“Masetlha was exiled in Botswana and Zambia. During this time, he worked with the youth and student organisations in the fight against the apartheid regime.” 

The office of Dirco minister Naledi Pandor said South Africa had lost an experienced and dependable representative and a firm believer in the ideals and goals of pan-Africanism.

“We send our deepest condolences to the family and friends of ambassador Masetlha,” said Pandor.


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