EFF leader Julius Malema at the party's 10th anniversary celebrations at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg.
Image: Freddy Mavunda/Business Day
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EFF leader Julius Malema has questioned newly elected ANC veterans' league president Snuki Zikalala's credentials as a struggle veteran, saying he is a chance taker.

Malema was responding to Zikalala's remarks that the ruling party should dissociate from the EFF and align with the DA should the possibility of coalition governments arise at national and provincial elections in 2024.

The red berets' leader said Zikalala's disdain for the EFF was the result of a tiff that dates back to Malema's days in the ruling party's youth league, before his expulsion.

"Snuki Zikalala does not like the EFF and particularly me and Floyd [Shivambu, EFF deputy president] because we removed him as the SABC head of news when Dali Mpofu was the CEO," he said.

After the ANC youth conference in Polokwane in 2008, when Malema was elected president, the league campaigned to remove Zikalala from his post at the public broadcaster, Malema added.

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"The first victim of the youth league was Snuki Zikalala. It didn't take us a month in the youth league to remove Zikalala, that one was easy. Since we removed him, he has not gotten anything serious until he resurfaced now in the veterans' league.

"So you must know every time Zikalala speaks, he's got that trauma we caused him by removing him from his position at the public broadcaster."

Questioning Zikalala's stance on possible coalition partners, Malema said it was clear he had a personal qualm.

"He says the EFF's policy is not the same as the ANC, therefore they must work with the DA. What is that? What is the common policy between the DA and the ANC that he can allude to? It's clear the issues between us are personal."

Malema also accused Zikalala of falsifying his struggle veteran credentials, calling him a fake.

"He's a chance taker and we don't regret removing him as head of news. He was biased. That's why his hatred of the EFF is deep."



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