ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa has reaffirmed that his party and the government pledge their solidarity with the people of Palestine.
Image: Alaister Russell
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The ANC’s national executive committee (NEC) has described as “genocidal and atrocious” Israel’s actions in Gaza while also condemning the killing of civilians by Hamas.

Closing the NEC’s three-day meeting in Johannesburg, party president Cyril Ramaphosa reiterated the party's condemnation “in the strongest terms” of the brutal killing of civilians by Hamas 10 days ago.

But he added: “The ANC has also been perturbed by the genocidal and atrocious activities of the state of Israel which are being directed indiscriminately at Palestinian citizens, shutting them off from all means of livelihoods.”

Ramaphosa, on behalf of the ANC and the government, conveyed South Africa's condolences to affected citizens on both sides of the conflict and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a return to negotiations along the lines of the two-state solution.

On Monday, he reiterated the ANC’s long-standing support for and solidarity with “the oppressed people” of Palestine and called for an end to the occupation of Palestine which is against UN resolutions.

“The state of Israel should immediately end the siege on Gaza so that water, food, energy, medical supplies and fuel can reach the civilians in the Gaza strip”.

He said as the governing party, the ANC will ensure the government works with the international community towards an inclusive process that produces a viable Palestinian state, existing in peace alongside the state of Israel, based on the 1967 borders.

The ANC NEC was firmly of the view that the only way to end the cycle of violence and retribution that had lasted 75 years was a just and peaceful settlement and said it would continue to advocate for a peaceful resolution of all conflicts around the world.

Israel says its mission is to destroy Hamas' military capabilities after the killing of 1,300 Israelis in a brazen raid launched from the Gaza strip by the militant group 10 days ago.


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