President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on the nation to support the Proteas the same way it rallied behind the Springboks. File photo.
Image: GCIS
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President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation on Monday evening and declared December 15 an official public holiday to celebrate the Springboks’ historic victory over the All Blacks on Saturday. 

This is a day before December 16, which is recognised as the Day of Reconciliation in South Africa. 

"I know that many of us want us to have a holiday now to celebrate. But we should all agree that we should give our matriculants time to focus on their exams and celebrate afterwards. We declare this to be a day of hope, a day of celebration and unity," says Ramaphosa. 

During his address, Ramaphosa also paid tribute to Banyana Banyana for their win against the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 2024 CAF Women’s Olympic Qualifiers. 

The president also asked South Africans to rally behind the Proteas in the Cricket World Cup. 

"I want us to now rally behind the Proteas in the same way as we have given our support to the Springboks."


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