The SIU has been authorised to investigate the procurement of goods in relation to the 2010 Ramkraal project, which aimed to convert the Ramkraal Prison site into a new Free State legislature complex. Stock photo
Image: 123RF/Olivier Le Moal
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President Cyril Ramaphosa on Friday signed two proclamations authorising the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to probe allegations of maladministration in two departments and the legislature in the Free State and the KwaZulu-Natal transport department.

They also authorise the SIU to recover any financial losses suffered by the state. 

SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said the scope of the investigation will cover any allegations of improper or unlawful conduct by employees of the state institutions and unlawful appropriation or expenditure of public money or property. 

The proclamation pertaining to the KwaZulu-Natal department of transport authorises the SIU to investigate serious maladministration in relation to the construction of bridges over the uMngwenya, uMlalazi, Mhlathuze and Phethu rivers. 

The second proclamation involves the affairs of the Free State public works and infrastructure department, human settlements department and provincial legislature. 

It authorises the SIU to investigate serious maladministration in relation to the procurement of, or contracting for goods, works and services for the Ramkraal project.

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The project was launched in 2010 and the Ramkraal Prison site was meant to be converted into a new Free State legislature complex, but the national heritage site “remains a plundered and derelict shell of its former self”, according to the DA.

In 2020 it said the provincial government had spent about R120m on the Ramkraal project. 

The SIU will investigate payments made in a manner that was not fair, competitive, transparent, equitable, cost-effective or was contrary to applicable legislation. It will also probe any related unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred to the state. 

Kganyago said in addition to investigating maladministration, malpractice, corruption and fraud, the SIU will identify system failures and make systematic recommendations to improve measures to prevent future losses. 

It will refer any evidence it uncovers pointing to criminal conduct to the National Prosecuting Authority for further action. 



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