Former transport minister Dipuo Peters. File image.
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has suspended small business development deputy minister Dipuo Peters for a month.

This was confirmed by his spokesperson Vincent Magwenya on Friday.

'The president has, in writing, informed Peters of his decision to suspend her.

“The suspension, which will be without pay, became effective on February 28 and will end on March 28.”

Peters' suspension stems from the sanction handed to her in January by parliament's joint committee on ethics and members’ interests.

She was suspended from all parliament-related sittings as an MP for one term after the committee considered a complaint against Peters and found she had breached the code of ethical conduct in her former portfolio as transport minister.

The complaint, launched by #UniteBehind leader Zackie Achmat, included allegations that Peters “was neglectful in her previous portfolio as minister of transport by failing to appoint a group CEO of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa.”


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